Mick Shaughnessy

It is with sad hearts we share the news, that one of our longest residents at Sun Pier House, Mick Shaughnessy has died. Mick was a fantastic artist, a genuine down to earth man, and a unique character. We will miss seeing him leaning over our balcony every week.

Mick ran Adult Art Classes at Sun Pier House for over 9 years, and before that he taught at Medway Adult Education. He was known by many people and will be greatly missed. There are no large funeral plans, but we hope to host a celebration to Mick later this year.

Cheers Mick, we’ll raise a Magners to you.



Mick Shaughnessy ran art classes in the Arts Lab for 9 years. Mick had many years’ experience as a tutor and his own work as an artist encompassed many different media including pencil, charcoal, pastels, gouache, watercolour, acrylic and oil.

In the Arts Lab, Mick ran classes in Drawing & Painting, Oil Painting and Life Drawing Classes, teaching by demonstration as well as offering one to one and group tuition. Students flourished in a friendly and relaxed environment, under the full support and supervision of this kind encouraging and experienced teacher.

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